Some of the best scenery that nature has to offer is enjoyed while drifting down This lazy river in the comfort of an Adventure canoe ,or River Tube ,1/2 day trips , all day , over night or all week , Your river your adventure , we do what we can to make sure your tour is unforgettable & enjoyable ! Once you ever enjoy one tour you will likely be back again & again , then you will know it is true > Adventure Canoe has ADVENTURE for YOU !
For booking information please e-mail
For weather & River Conditions please notice the links to the left of each web page .Louisiana & Texas River link listed as Daily stream flow .
Do NOT Litter,Don’tLitter ! Do NOT Litter!
Smokers cigarettes buts are in many ways worse than a can or bag of fast food remains but the fine is the same except for Glass the fine can go as high as 250.00 dollars per bottle , yes a 6 pack of bottles could cost you 1,500.00 one thousand & five hundred dollars ! More if you have more or developed a bad attitude .Any fine could double or tipple & can include jail time,if done with careless, intentional or ill intent , so Please Do not litter !
Do not Litter & do not bring glass containers for your river tour , for mayo , mustard , Tabasco & such buy plastic or pour it in plastic ,Glass is ban, barred , illegal within 100 ft of the scenic river , which is one of our precious Natural Resources that belong to you as much as anyone !
Anytime you use your river keep it clean & please keep the next Generation in mind !
adventure canoe has adventure for you !
Unforgettable & Enjoyable tours